Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

3 Helden: Stadt. Land. Traum.

von Karen Köhler

Heros, A Trilogy

Karen Köhler wrote a hero trilogy over a period of three seasons for the Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar. The trilogy tells the story of Jonah, Mo and Jessica from their different perspectives. Once best friends, they become enemies and in the end are forced to struggle not only for reconciliation but also for the right to shape their own future. Köhler’s powerful writing is always focused closely on the characters; pithy, quick-fire dialogues alternate with poetic, deeply moving situations.
In the first part of the trilogy, "Your Heroes – My Dreams", Jonah recounts how he got caught up with a group of neo-Nazis. To date, this thoroughly researched play has already been performed at schools in Weimar and the surrounding area over 125 times! Numerous additional performances underline the importance of the topic for the whole of Germany.
The final part of the trilogy, "3 Heroes: Town. Country. Dream", deals with Jessica, who has realised her dream of becoming a teacher but is horrified to find herself once again confronted with xenophobic sentiment at her new school. In a passionate and personal speech, she calls for racial tolerance and urges young people to keep an open mind on ideologies, to be critical and not accept them at face value.

Your Heroes – My Dreams

Classroom drama for 1m; age 11 +; first produced at Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar on 05.12.2013; directed by Sebastian Martin

Heroes or Why I’m Wearing a Green Cloak and Fighting Against the Shittiness of the World

1 f – 2 m; age 12 +; first produced at Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar on 30.10.2014; directed by Sebastian Martin

3 Heroes: City. Country. Dream.

Studio/gym drama; 1f; age 12 +; first produced at Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar in autumn 2015; directed by Sebastian Martin


Besetzung: 1 Dame(n)
Alter: empfohlen ab 12
Uraufführung: UA: 2015, Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar, Regie: Sebastian Martin

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