Das UN
von Miriam Antretter
Eine wundersame Waldgeschichte
The UN
2w – 5m, for age of 6+; free for WP
Dine and her friend Fritz have been suffering the moods of the vicious director of the children's home for a long time. Today it is even worse because she suspects Dine to have stolen something very valuable: If Dine wasn't willing to bring it back; Fritz would have to pay for it! Dine is desperate for she doesn't even know what this mean person is so greedily searching. Something secret it is said to be, that gives tremendous power. But how it exactly looks like, that the director strangely enough doesn't know herself. Dine decides to use that fact as an advantage and goes off looking for something that might seem important enough. On her quest she meets the bird Vart (who doesn't allow any jokes concerning his name!), strange Fa and the chronicler, who brings bad news from the Thousand Eyes Forrest. The beast has been seen there so that now all of them are in big danger. Dine dares to face up the fight and doesn't only find the important thing – but something much more important.
A visionary tale about the quest for what seems to be important to us. Does that however actually always resemble who we really are?
Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 5 Herr(en) , auch in einer Fassung für größere Gruppe erhältlich
max. Rollenzahl: 14
Alter: empfohlen ab 7