Der eingebildet kranke Kröterich
von Paul Maar / Christian Schidlowsky
Frei nach Molière
The hypochondric toad
Free after Molière; 3w - 3m; for age of 6+;WP: Stadttheater Fürth in coproduction with the Fränkisches Theater Schloß Maasbach, 22/11/2014 (directed by Christian Schidlowsky)
The toad is twitched and tweaked, his heart rushes, the stomach is under pressure, the end - he knows for sure - is near. The unteachable hypochondriac lets his second wife batten him with pills of all kind and lately he employs a stork as his doctor. That the doctor pursues his own goals, that also his wife doesn't really care about his well-being, but rather for his pearl treasure, the toad finally learns by a ploy of his two daughters. In the end the family can escape the cooking pot of the doctor by a hair's breadth and even the evil stepmother is put to rout. The toad has learnt his lesson and after a long time he even dares to go into the cold water for the first time again to finally teach his youngest daughter Louise swimming - which is unexpectedly most enjoyable for him.
A humorous interpretation of the classic by Molière with young heroines, that are able to make a difference between reality and illusion and who know how to defend themselves against the villains of the world.
Besetzung: 3 Dame(n) , 3 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Uraufführung: 22.11.2014, Stadttheater Fürth in Koproduktion mit dem Fränkischen Theater Schloss Maßbach, Regie: Christian Schidlowsky