Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Der kleine Wassermann

von Otfried Preußler

The Little Water Sprite

Adapted for the stage by Wolfgang Adenberg // 3f – 8m – 3 children (with doubling) // age 4+ 

The Little Water Spirit lives deep down on the bottom of the mill pond with his parents. He loves to explore his surroundings and find out what the world is like – just like human children. There's a lot to see in and around the mill pond: the fish, water plants, the mill wheel, sun, moon and rain and then, of course, the people. Our little explorer is more curious than careful. What a good thing it is that the inhabitants of the mill pond keep an eye on him, otherwise many an adventure could come to a sticky end...

Book rights sold to:
Bulgaria, Spain (Catalan), China, Croatia, The Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Spain (Spanish), Ukraine, Vietnam, South Africa (Afrikaans), Czech Republic, Denmark, Portugal, United Kingdom, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Israel (Hebrew), Indonesia, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Thailand, Poland, United Arab Emirates


Bearbeitung: Wolfgang Adenberg
Besetzung: 3 Dame(n) , 5 Herr(en) , 3 Kinder
max. Rollenzahl: 11
Alter: empfohlen ab 4
Uraufführung: 2003, E.T.A. Hoffmann Theater, Bamberg

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