Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Der Räuber Hotzenplotz

von Otfried Preußler

Eine Kasperlgeschichte

The Robber Hotzenplotz

2f – 5m // age 5+

World-famous robber story
One of the most popular German authors

When the dreaded Robber Hotzenplotz steals Grandmother's coffee-grinder, Kasperl and his friend Seppel know exactly what they have to do. "We'll catch the Robber Hotzenplotz!" But that isn't as easy as they thought, and when Kasperl and Seppel try to set Hotzenplotz a trap they themselves become the prisoners of the robber and the big, bad conjuror Zwackelmann.

Book rights sold to:
China, Spain (Catalan), Denmark, Greece, Israel (Hebrew), Italy, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain (Spanish), Thailand, South Africa (Afrikaans), Portugal, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany (Low German), Norway, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, Vietnam, Wales (Welsh), Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Georgia, Czech Republic, Latvia, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Luxembourg, Columbia

Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 5 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 5
Uraufführung: 1969, Theater für Kinder, Hamburg

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