Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Der starke Wanja

von Otfried Preußler

nach "Die Abenteuer des starken Wanja" für die Bühne bearbeitet von Tristan Berger

The Adventures of Wanja the Strong

adapted for the stage by Tristan Berger

Wanja is an inveterate daydreamer and idler – much to the despair of his brothers Sascha and Grischa. When he’s lying in the forest one day, busily gazing up at the sky, a blind old man comes along the path and tells him that one day he will be Tsar. First, however, he must make himself strong: for seven years he must eat nothing but seven bags of sunflower seeds, and he must also lie in silence on the stove. Wanja is somewhat surprised, to say the least, but he does as he is told – after all, he’s an expert at doing nothing. For seven years he maintains his silence, though his Aunt Akulina is very worried about him, and his brothers keep swearing at him, but when they finally try to force him off the oven, he literally raises the roof. He is no longer Wanja the Lazy, but Wanja the Strong. Now he sets out to seize the throne of the Tsar. On his way he has to fight the Och, Baba Yaga, and lastly Foma Drachensohn. He conquers them all, not only through sheer physical strength but also because he has a good heart. He is now a Tsar in all respects – clever and compassionate, with a heart that is big and strong.

6 m or f (with doubling), age 8+, awaiting first production

Bearbeitung: Tristan Berger
Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 5 Herr(en) , Doppelrollen
max. Rollenzahl: 18
Alter: empfohlen ab 8

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