Der verborgene Schatz
von Paul Maar
Paul Maar:
The Hidden Treasure
A fairy tale for 1f – 2m; age 6+; awaiting first production
Little Muhar has one ardent desire, which is to marry Jasmine, the beautiful but proud daughter of the country’s richest merchant. But it is not without good reason that he is called "little Muhar", because he is only a small trader and has only a small shop. The only thing he can offer Jasmine is his wonderful flute-playing. But Jasmine simply laughs in his face. Next day, in despair, little Muhar sets out in search of a treasure which might actually make him rich enough to marry her.
A fairy tale about the search for happiness, which is not to be equated with gold and silver.
Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Uraufführung: 26.09.2014, Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, Regie: Stephan Rumphorst