Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Die besseren Wälder

von Martin Baltscheit

The Better Forests

2f – 3m //age 14+

Ferdinand is a wolf who has grown up among sheep. So what is he? A wolf in sheep’s clothing, or a sheep in wolf’s clothing? He jumps over fences, which sheep never do. It’s simply not the done thing. And it never has been. But he can sing “Amazing Graze” more sweetly than anyone. That’s the tradition, and that’s  how things should be! So who is Ferdinand?

When his ewe-friend is found dead, Ferdinand is the obvious suspect. A wolf is a wolf and always will be. Killing is in his blood – everyone knows that. It was ever thus. Ferdinand runs away. He escapes to his fellow wolves. He wants to be one of them. But these clever wolves are damned if they’re going to turn into sheep: warm electric blankets, chic outfits, health insurance…They make a virtue and a tradition out of living a hard life, and that’s just how things are.

A goose that insists on being a fox, and a bear that’s a bee: they take for granted the fact that they are who they want to be, and in Martin Baltscheit’s play they are the really sensible characters. Today, people talk a lot about “Nature”, and about “how things are”. All too rarely do they ask “Why should I be such and such?” And so why can’t there be a world without fences, with electric blankets for all? “Everyone according to his needs; everyone according to his abilities.”

Deutscher Jugendtheaterpreis [Youth Theatre Prize, Germany] 2010

Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 3 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 14
Uraufführung: 2012, GRIPS Theater (Regie: Robert Neumann)
Preise und Auszeichnungen: Theatre Café Festival 2014ausgezeichnet mit dem Deutschen Jugendtheaterpreis 2010aufgenommen in den Stückepool von Kaas & Kappes 2010

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Für Schulen und Amateure

Theaterpädagogische Handreichung für Schulen und Jugendclubs:

» "Mut zum Fremdtext, liebe Spielleiter!"  -  Schultheater-Handreichung zum Stück "Die besseren Wälder" von Martin Baltscheit