Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Die dumme Augustine - Mit Musik

von Otfried Preußler

Für die Bühne bearbeitet von Stefan Schroeder mit Musik von Christoph Iacono


Silly Augustine

New adaptation with text by Stefan Schroeder and music by Christoph Iacono

 3m & 2f & 1-2 m or f; (circus) trumpet, percussion, piano/accordion/harmonium; age 6+; still awaiting first production


Silly August is a circus star whose jokes and acrobatic tricks are very popular with the audience. His home life is also a real delight. Silly Augustine keeps their circus caravan spotlessly clean, and their three children are happy and healthy. Silly August could hardly imagine a better way of life. But silly Augustine can: while August goes to work every evening, she dreams that she too might one day stand in the spotlight just as he does. When silly August suddenly gets terrible toothache and has to miss giving his performance, silly Augustine takes his place at very short notice. The children cross their fingers, and before the director can even ask what is happening, Augustine is already doing one trick after another, with a bit of magic here and a funny joke there, and her act is greeted with thunderous applause.

This is a play about what we would like to do with our lives, and about how we can make our dreams come true. In short solos and ensembles, the characters tell us what they are good at and what they would really like to do. They also sing about how difficult it can sometimes be to keep sight of one’s goals during everyday life. Silly Augustine shows us how we can succeed.

“Circus music which juggles with little themes and phrases, making them all into a highly enjoyable dance. The aim is not to perform breath-taking acrobatics, but to whirl round with light-hearted elegance in a little arena of sound. Behind all this, for the most part, is a mischievously twinkling but sometimes sadly weeping eye. And of course from time to time everything goes slightly crazy – just as it does with any performing clown. The degree of difficulty is right in the middle of the middle grade, and with a little practice, the music should be well within the compass of any aspiring artiste, sound charmer or music tamer.” (Christoph Iacono)


Komposition: Christoph Iacono
Bearbeitung: Stefan Schroeder
Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 3 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 4
Frei zur: UA

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