Die kleine Hexe
von Otfried Preußler
The Little Witch
3f – 7m // age 5+
The Little Witch is simply fed up because none of the big witches take her seriously. If she can prove that despite her youth - she is only 127 years old – she is a good witch, in future she will be allowed to take part in the great witches’ ball on Mount Blocksberg. But what exactly is a "good witch"? The Little Witch and her raven Abraxas have got it all wrong, according to the senior witches.
Book rights sold to:
Bulgaria, Spain (Catalan), China, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Greece, Israel (Hebrew), Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain (Spanish), Ukraine, South Africa (Afrikaans), Spain (Basque), Portugal, Croatia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Esperanto, Estonia, Germany (Low German), Finland, Indonesia, Hungary, France, Norway, Afghanistan (Pashto), Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand, Iran (Persian), Switzerland (Rhaeto-Romance), Libanon (Arabic), Taiwan
Besetzung: 3 Dame(n) , 7 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 5
Uraufführung: 1973, Südostbayerisches Städtetheater, Landshut