Die mutige Kanhar De
von Sven j. Olsson
Ein Bollyood-Märchen mit Musik von Erich A. Radke
Sven J. Olsson: Brave Kanhar De
A Bollywood-Tale with music by Erich A. Radke; 4 actors (small version) or 4 w - 8 m; WP: Landesbühne Niedersachsen Nord, Wilhelmshaven, 19/04/2015 (directed by Esther Steinbrecher)
Princess Kanhar De wishes for Prince Charming. When actually two candidates introduce themselves, unfortunately father and daughter have clearly different opinions. Because of the fact that her father, the Raja, insists on prince Gautama, Kanhar De decides without further ado to escape with her favourite Banusingh. But the escape fails since though Banusingh is handsome and strong, punctuality is none of his virtues. While Kanhar De has to wait too long for him at the venue, she watches a thief, who wants to steal her camel. Of course she takes on the pursuit and stumbles from one adventure into the next. Meanwhile the whole royal household is desperate about her disappearance. Gautama doesn't know at all where he should start looking for Kanhar De first and Banusingh once again almost comes too late. But: All's well that ends well!
A colorful fairy tale with a fearless heroine, who, with clever cunning and imagination, makes her fortune. Screwball elements and soulful songs complete this ideal Christmas play or open air play for the whole family.
Available as stage play with music and as fully composed musical.
Komposition: Erich A. Radke
Besetzung: 4 Dame(n) , 8 Herr(en) , + Statisten/Kleindarsteller
max. Rollenzahl: 15
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Uraufführung: 19.04.2015, Landesbühne Niedersachsen Nord, Wilhelmshaven, Regie: Esther Steinbrecher