Drachen und Ritter
Dragons and Knights
1f – 2m; age 8+
The noble knight Cunibert is rather ignobly ugly. That wouldn’t be so bad if it were not for the fact that he has unfortunately never killed a single dragon or rescued a damsel in distress. The princely senior knight has now run out of patience: within the next three days poor Cunibert must bring him a dragon’s head and a rescued damsel, or he will be demoted to the rank of dishwasher. Cunibert sets out on his mission, and discovers that one can become a real hero even without performing deeds of derring-do.
Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 2004, Staatstheater Mainz