Edels Garten
von Julius Jensen
Edel’s Garden
Polly the dog and Grummel the Rock look after Mr Edel’s garden. They do this every day, have done it for years, and take their duties very seriously. They keep the flowerbeds neat and tidy and the path clear, and they make sure that the garden is never overrun by creepy-crawlies or weeds. Everything has its place, as Grummel says and as Polly ensures. But eventually, as time goes by, perhaps this way of life can become just a tiny bit boring – especially when you know that just behind the fence are the enticing charms of the wilderness. When Mira, the wandering flower, plants herself in the garden without so much as a by-your-leave, things fall apart. Her unconventional views on wildlife arouse Polly’s curiosity, while Grummel becomes increasingly confused.
In the end, however, all’s well in Mr Edel’s garden, because everyone can simply stand or grow wherever they like – for today. And tomorrow, it could all be quite different. Even Grummel gradually starts to enjoy himself, so long as he can stay out in the sun.
“The tale of Polly, Grummel and the wandering flower is a poetic story about friendship and a world that is constantly changing.” (Angela Dietz, Theatermagazin Godot)
1 m + 2 f (1 musician), age 6+, premiered at THEATERBOX / Wilhelmsburger Wintermärchen, 17.12.2011 (directed by Julius Jensen)
Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 1 Herr(en) , 1 Musiker/in
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Uraufführung: 17.12.2011, THEATERBOX / Wilhelmsburger Wintermärchen (Regie: Julius Jensen)