Emil und die Detektive
von Erich Kästner
Für die Bühne bearbeitet von Frank Panhans, Kirstin Hess, mit Liedtexten von Franziska Steiof
Emil and the Detectives
Newly adapted for the stage by Kirstin Hess and Frank Panhans, with lyrics by Franziska Steiof
5f – 5m (with doubling), ca. 75 minutes
For the first time Emil is allowed to travel to Berlin on his own. His grandmother and cousin Pony Hütchen wait for him at Friedrichstrasse Station, but Emil never arrives. While Grandma and Pony wonder what they should do, Emil is involved in an exciting chase across the unfamiliar city, in pursuit of the thief whom he met in the train and who stole all his money. Fortunately, Emil quickly enlists the help of Gustav with his hooter and his gang of boy detectives.
Bearbeitung: Kirstin Hess / Frank Panhans / Franziska Steiof
Besetzung: 5 Dame(n) , 5 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Für junge Akteure ab: 10
Uraufführung: 2008, Junges Schauspiel Düsseldorf