Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Frerk, du Zwerg!

von Finn-Ole Heinrich

Morph, You Dwarf

Although Morph is actually the second smallest pupil in the class, only he is called “Morph, you dwarf”. In any case, more complicated rhymes would be beyond the capability of the horrible Andy Kolumpek. The fact is, Andy is too stupid even to enjoy it if a particularly mean and nasty action is successful – like pushing Morph’s face into the sand. However, this turns out not to have been a very good idea, because it leads to Morph finding a mysterious egg in the sand. Of course he would have much preferred to find a gigantic and vicious Alsatian dog, but an egg is better than nothing – especially when it’s one that grows a coat (so maybe it is a dog after all?) and when there’s a lot of very interesting tinkling and whispering coming from inside. To Morph’s great surprise, when the egg hatches, out come some real dwarfs, and straight away they begin to make a total mess of Morph’s life. They have a lot to do, because he lives with a mother who is fanatic about cleanliness and tidiness, and a father who is extremely well behaved. The dwarfs take their duties as lightly as only dwarfs can. They ruin Morph’s neat hairstyle, wreck his room, laugh and dance for no reason at all, and gradually awaken in Morph the desire to change himself: instead of being a shy dwarf, he would now like to be a boy with ideas of his own and the courage to chase away the horrible Andy Kolumpek, like a really big and vicious Alsatian dog.

Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2012
Age 6+

Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 6 Herr(en) , auch als Stoffrecht zur individuellen Dramatisierung erhältlich
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Für junge Akteure ab: 10
Uraufführung: 04.04.2014, Next Liberty, Graz (Regie: Michael Schilhan)
Preise und Auszeichnungen: Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2013

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