Guten Tag, liebe Nacht
von Alice Quadflieg
Good Day, Dear Night
Mr Day likes everything to be light and bright, with blue skies and colourful flowers. He knows all the birds by their songs, and he enjoys thinking up adventure stories in which he is the hero. There is only one thing Mr Day is really afraid of: the dark. When the sun sets, suddenly there are all sorts of strange shadows around him; he stumbles over his own feet and feels anything but heroic. Today, though, he suddenly hears a friendly voice coming through the darkness – Mrs Night is singing a song about the Spring! She shows him that the world can also look beautiful in the moonlight, and that dark night can shine and make sounds that one needn’t be afraid of. Mr Day and Mrs Night even hear the nightingale singing.
A highly imaginative journey with sound and colour through the realms of light and darkness.
1 m + 1 f, age 3+, premiered at the Kresch Theater, 07.11.2011 (directed by Anna Brass)
Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 1 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 3
Uraufführung: 07.11.2011, Kresch Theater, Krefeld (Regie: Anna Brass)