Haydi! Heimat!
von Katja Hensel
Haydi! Heimat - Haydi! Home!
2W - 2M; for age of 8+; WP: Landestheater Schwaben, Memmingen, 17/03/2018 (dir.: by Anne Verena Freybott)
Kemal is aked to bring something to school that means "home" for him. He's completely at a loss. Other than his granny and his father who compete with well-meant advice - the football shirt, his father says; "Heidi", her favourite children's book from Turkey, grandma proposes. The whole family starts to get into the most beautiful German-Turquish arguement , only Kemal resigns. All of a sudden Ella stands in his room the next day, who just moved in on the 10th floor oft he appartment building. Since Kemal always wanted to look down from the top, they both become high flier. They take grandma's children's book with them, that though they can't read it, they reinterpret playfully: A fantastic journey begins between green alps and the grey staircase. Until Ella's mother anounces that they will move out again. Kemal is bitterly disappointed and fiercely tears "Heidi" apart in the air.
Katja Hensel again approaches a current subject in a humourous way. She elegantly avoids as a matter of course to harden the term of "home" into a cultural, religious or even territorial matter, or in opposition to that to dissolve it into a mere discourse. For the children in her play simply refuse, to follow a set definition of the term. Instead they find their very own home in a fantastic game and kindness with each other. In the end "Haydi!" is their torn, pasted over, painted, joyfully created and very colourful "Home!".
Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 17.03.2018, Landestheater Schwaben, Memmingen (Regie: Anne Verena Freybott)
Preise und Auszeichnungen: Gefördert von "Nah dran! Neue Stücke für das Kindertheater", Kooperationsprojekt des Kinder- und Jugendtheaterzentrums und des Deutschen Literaturfonds e.V., mit Mitteln der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.