Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Herr Rot in Not

von Salah Naoura

Für die Bühne bearbeitet von Kathi Loch

Salah Naoura: Mister Red in Distress

stage version by Katharina Loch; 2w - 4m; for age of 6+; free for WP

Right before Christmas the house blessing is really crooked: Denni has to witness deedlessly how his parents fight in such a way that finally his father goes away. Why not skip Christmas completely, the mother argues afterwards and ominously often meets up with her colleague Gero for charity's sake as she calls it - which is known to be very important around Christmas. When Denni has to go pick up a red bathrobe at "Fluff & Co" (Gero's Christmas present!), he meets an old freezing man in the park who obviously has lost his memory. Now Denni recognises a good opportunity for charity on his behalf and not only he lends the unloved bathrobe to the man but he takes "Mister Red" even home with him. Together with his friend Tino he tries to bring back Mister Red's memories. Therefore the torpedo sledge on the Christmas market shall be an important hint.

A turbulent, warmhearted Christmas story with family problems and childhood dreams. Both usually should be of Santa Claus' concern, but he unfortunately has a current lack of memory...

Bearbeitung: Kathi Loch
Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 4 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Uraufführung: 2016, Hamm

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Für Schulen und Amateure

Besondere Stückempfehlung unserer Schülerpraktikantin:

"Mir gefällt an diesem Stück, dass man während seines Verlaufes miträtseln kann, wer Herr Rot denn nun wirklich ist und dass das Ende zum Nachdenken anregt: Über Vorurteile, Nächstenliebe und natürlich den Sinn von Weihnachten. Ein tolles Stück auch für Schulklassen."