Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Ich hab euch gesehen

von Agnes Gerstenberg

I Saw You

3 f – 2 m; age 8 +; awaiting first production

Pia and her friends are still children, but almost teenagers. First crushes have crept into the innocence of their favourite game, truth or dare, followed by distrust and the beginnings of jealousy. At first, the friends remain inseparable and stick together. This changes when Pia happens to witness a girl being assaulted by a gang of youths, after which the older boys intimidate her, threatening her and forcing her to keep her mouth shut. Pia is frightened, but she also has a bad conscience for not having helped the girl.

Would it not have been her duty to help? She feels she cannot confide in her friends, while they in turn feel repulsed by her strange behaviour. But Niklas finally realises the seriousness of the situation and summons up all his courage as her friend and to help Pia.

Besetzung: 3 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en) , NUR FÜR AMATEUR- UND SCHULTHEATER
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Für junge Akteure ab: 8
Frei zur: UA
Preise und Auszeichnungen: Förderpreis des Jugendtheaterpreises Baden-Württemberg 2014


Für Schulen und Amateure

Für Schulen und Amateure