Jimi Super Held oder Angriff der IWiDiPatina
Jimi super hero or the attack of the IWiDiPatina
1w - 2m; for age of 8+, WP: Landesbühne Niedersachsen Nord, Wilhelmshaven, 08/02/2014 (directed by Hanna Müller)
Dark Werner lusts for the power over the world and therefore invents the ultimate weapon: the "IWiDiPatina" will rule the wishes and desires of people to make them cue balls of Dark Werner. Meyer Jona, Werner's archenemy blocks his plans by promoting clueless Timi into super hero Jimi. Since Jimi has super powers now but still isn't super smart, he gets super hero support by clever Jessi (formerly Tessi). While both are searching for the right strategy against the Patina, Dark Werner meanwhile has gotten some completely different problems. His invention is so good in such a way that he falls a victim to its seductive powers himself so now he rather takes care of his wardrobe than of world power. Unstoppably the "IWiDiPatina" continues its triumphal procession, it always inspires new wishes to people and takes more and more possession of them. Jimi and Jessi are apparently powerless since even raw violence is inefficient against the patina. Only when they eventually combine super power with super cleverness they're finally able to devastate the patina - so it seems...For after this spectacular showdown Timi and Tessi learn how they - even without special powers - can live with the seductions of the modern trade world in a constructive way.
An intergalactic conspiracy, super strong heroes, an overwhelming adversary and the maximum use of goods of all kind: In the contorted extreme Eva Maria Stüting draws a surprisingly exact image of our consumer society. Her text always remains unpedagogical and never falls into blunt capitalism critique. Even Timi and Tessi can't create a new world in the end but they learn to live as critical and mature people in the current one.
Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en) , Doppelbesetzungen
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 08.02.2015, Landesbühne Niedersachsen Nord, Wilhelmshaven, Regie: Hanna Müller