Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse

von Christine Nöstlinger


Konrad or the Factory Made Boy

Peculiar Berti Bartolotti mistakenly gets a parcel. In the tin there's not corned beef but: Conrad, the perfect child! Mrs. Bartolotti though is always taking things as they come and instantly takes a shine to the boy. For preventing that Conrad won't be handed over to the lawful subscribers in the end, she develops a witty plan, in which course Conrad is learning how to throw spinach and swearing!

Christine Nöstlinger's world success unfortunately hasn't  lost any of it's relevance for today since it had been published in 1975. The industrial fabricated perfect child Conrad dramatically refers to the "optimized child" of today, whose appointments diary already in the early years reaches the level of a classical work day, if not outreaches it. – Therefore it is urgently desirable to find grown-ups like the kind of Berti Bartolotti to confront this development of society and ist perfect children with fantasy and spontaneity for a happier childhood.

Besetzung: Stoffrecht zur individuellen Dramatisierung
Alter: empfohlen ab 5
Für junge Akteure ab: 8
Uraufführung: 1979, Theater für Kinder, Hamburg

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