von Otfried Preußler
Für die Bühne bearbeitet von Nina Achminow
Adapted for the stage by Nina Achminow // 3f – 9m // age 12+
During the Feast of Epiphany Krabat has a strange job to do: he must go to the mill in Koselbruch, and there he will not only grind the corn but will also learn black magic. Krabat quickly gets to know the fascination of the black arts. But there is a price to pay: on every New Year’s Eve the miller’s sinister godfather demands the sacrifice of one of the workers. Krabat’s friend Tonda is the victim, and this loss makes Krabat decide to fight against his master. With the help of Kantorka, who loves him, he is finally able to overcome this evil power and free himself.
"My Krabat […] is my own story, the story of my generation and of all young people who come in contact with power and its temptations, and find themselves caught in its web." Otfried Preußler
Bearbeitung: Nina Achminow
Besetzung: 3 Dame(n) , 9 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 10
Uraufführung: 1994, Prinzregententheater, München