von Michael Ende
Adapted for the stage by Vita Huber // 4f – 11m – children // age 8+
Momo is the little girl who saves storytime and time for stories from the grey men who can only measure time but cannot experience it. They steal it in seconds, minutes and hours, and freeze it in order to use it slowly. With just a single hour-flower and the help of Cassiopeia the tortoise, Momo fights against them in order to restore to her friends their lifetime – time for leisure and for stories.
Bearbeitung: Vita Huber
Besetzung: 4 Dame(n) , 11 Herr(en)
max. Rollenzahl: 24
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 21.10.1981, Städtische Bühnen Münster, Regie: Herbert Müller