Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Pepe will's wissen

von Reihaneh Youzbashi Dizaji

Pepe wants to know

1w – 2m; for age of 8+; WP: Theater Baden-Baden, 12/04/2013 (directed by Lily Sykes)

Pepe is absolutely sure; there is no other way than he has been adopted as a baby for he doesn't resemble his parents at all. And above all, his true parents would only besiege him with love, they would anticipate his every wish, but never ever get divorced for sure! Pepe therefore starts to look for evidence concerning his real parents, to be able to move to them as soon as possible. His friends Theo and Lolli help him. While they rake up desks and wardrobes in a decent detective manner and unfortunately stumble from one embarrassing situation into the next the three kids make up their minds about parents, about anger and love, about differences, similarities and about how complicated life sometimes can become when the beloved ones suddenly start acting strange. Theo, Lolli and Pepe however don't lose their courage; even in this outland they keep on looking for a real home. 

Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en)
Uraufführung: 12.04.2013, Theater Baden-Baden (Regie: Lily Sykes)

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