Prinzessin Anna oder Wie man einen Helden findet - Kinderoper
von Susann Opel-Götz
von Jakob Vinje, Libretto: Wolfgang Adenberg
Princess Anna or How to Find a Hero
Available for dramatization; age 4+
When the old king retires, he gives half the kingdom to Princess Annabel. “Why only half?” asks the outraged Anna, who has always been accustomed to getting all of the finest, the biggest, and the best. However, the decision is final: the second half is reserved for the hero who is going to rescue and marry her. But Annabel doesn’t want a hero. Not now, not ever. Or maybe just a little…Not one hero appears on the scene – not even a little one. Neither pea soup nor dwarfs nor froggy kisses can conjure one up. Suddenly Annabel herself begins to feel cut in half. But then in the palace gardens she meets Jacob the puppet master. Maybe he’s got what it takes to be a real hero?
Komposition: Jakob Vinje
Bearbeitung: Wolfgang Adenberg
Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 1 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 6
Uraufführung: 2011, Theater Nordhausen (Regie: Bianca Sue Henne)