Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Pünktchen trifft Anton

von Erich Kästner / Volker Ludwig

Von Volker Ludwig nach Erich Kästner

Punktchen meets Anton


Strange things are happening in Berlin: a rich girl begs at Friedrichstrasse Station, and a poor boy catches a criminal. Volker Ludwig’s new version of Kästner’s classic tale about a wonderful childhood friendship is transported into the here and now, as wealth and poverty interact in our own society…

Erich Kästner wrote Pünktchen und Anton in 1931, during the world economic crisis, and it was one of the first realistic children’s novels about life in a big city. Without their unsuspecting parents noticing anything, two spiritually homeless children plunge headlong into the adventurous life of the great metropolis of Berlin. In Volker Ludwig’s version the story is more topical than ever. It deals with the question of fairness from a child’s perspective in a world where the divisions between rich and poor have become more and more extreme.

"[Volker Ludwig] has called his version ‘Pünktchen trifft Anton’. It is a highly individual treatment of the original, but at every moment one hears the beat of Kästner’s heart…"

(Patrick Wildermann, Der Tagesspiegel, 27.11.2011) 

6 m + 5 f (with doubling), age 8+, with music by Wolfgang Böhmer, premiered at GRIPS Theater Berlin, 26.11.2011 (directed by Frank Panhans)

Besetzung: 5 Dame(n) , 6 Herr(en) , Statisten
max. Rollenzahl: 17
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 26.11.2011, GRIPS Theater Berlin (Regie: Frank Panhans)

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