Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Sams im Glück

von Paul Maar / Ulrich Limmer

Für die Bühne bearbeitet von Rainer Bielfeldt - nach dem Drehbuch von Paul Maar und Ulrich Limmer

Satur in Luck

stage adaptation and lyrics: Rainer Bielfeldt

The Satur has been living with the Taschenbier family for 10 years, and that calls for a celebration. The seal seems to be set on this joyful occasion when Mr Taschenbier is able to announce that his umbrella-making machine is at last working perfectly, and so he intends to resign immediately from his post at Oberstein & Co. But his resignation speech does not go according to plan. In total contrast to his normal self, Mr Taschenbier has somehow become wild and thoroughly obstreperous. At night he develops an ever greater craving for sausages, and when he commandeers a bus and goes racing through the town at breakneck speed, the Satur can no longer avoid the terrible truth: Mr Taschenbier is becoming a Satur! Unfortunately, that always happens when a Satur lives with humans for more than 10 years. Only if the Satur returns to Saturland can Mr Taschenbier be restored to his former self. When eventually Mrs Taschenbier is also afflicted with this calamitous transformation, the Satur is forced to make a difficult decision.

 4 m + 2 f, age 5+, premiered at the Junges Theater Bonn, 27.10.2012 (directed by Lajos Wenzel)


Bearbeitung: Rainer Bielfeldt
Besetzung: 3 Dame(n) , 4 Herr(en)
max. Rollenzahl: 16
Alter: empfohlen ab 5
Uraufführung: 27.10.2012, Junges Theater Bonn (Regie: Lajos Wenzel)

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