von Nicole Kanter
Rapacious Rat’s Land of Plenty
6 actors (including 3f, if possible), age 8 +; awaiting first production
*invited to Heidelberger Stückemarkt 2017
Following their first, extremely wet, adventure in Hamsterdam, beaver lady Bober and her friends Fridoline the mole and Tunk the polar bear now find themselves left high and dry: in the land behind the wall of sweet porridge, they have run out of rum! And this despite the fact that Rapacious Rat normally takes great pains to make sure that sufficient milk and honey are flowing and that the trees are always laden with rum truffles. That’s because there’s nothing quite like rum truffles to keep the hamster population happy… and happy hamsters don’t ask questions; questions like, "where do the rivers of milk and honey actually come from?" and "where have so many hamsters been disappearing to lately?" But Rapacious is double-crossing them and the opportunistic Anita Birdpoop is, of course, assisting him to the best of her ability. High time for Bober and the others to incite a little revolt. And Tunk gets to play the game of his life!
Together, the friends lay the foundations for a better world, for a land of plenty in which everyone can at last share equally in a life of prosperity. Here, as in Hamsterdam, Nicole Kanter succeeds brilliantly in making social criticism entertaining. There’s nothing of the moral lecture about The Land of Milk, Honey and Misrule; instead it’s an entertaining crime story with – more or less endearing – characters. This kind of political drama does not seek to frighten children with horrific images of modern life; the aim is to paint an accurate and humorous picture of the world as it really is – and to nurture in them a vision of the world as it could be.
Besetzung: 6 Darsteller/innen (nach Möglichkeit 3 Damen)
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Frei zur: UA