Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Sex vor Allem

von Reihaneh Youzbashi Dizaji

Sex Above All

Sana has the house to herself, and invites Micha to join her. But they both feel uneasy in this situation. They are too old not to know what a boy and girl can (or should?) do when they’re alone together, and too young to really want, let alone be able to do it in reality. And so they mess about, half in fun and half in earnest, provoke each other, and at one and the same time are inhibited but aggressive. What they have both experienced in their parents’ homes does not exactly encourage them to expect the pleasures of true love. This helps them to understand each other, but it also underlies their inability to talk openly about their feelings. When eventually the game goes too far, the only way out that Sana can think of is simply to pretend that she is dying. For a moment, Micha is really terrified, and this is the first time he finds himself unable to control his feelings through his self-imposed youthful detachment. This plunges him into a psychological crisis.

In this play, two youngsters learn to trust their emotions, to express them, to reflect on them, and to form a genuine relationship with each other. In the end, Sana and Micha succeed in learning a serious lesson from the game without sacrificing its playful side, because after all "this could be love."

1 m + 2 f, age 13+, awaiting first production


Besetzung: 2 Dame(n) , 1 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 13
Frei zur: UA

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