Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details


von Reihaneh Youzbashi Dizaji


1w – 2m; for age of 8+; WP: Theater Konstanz, 02/04/2016 (directed by Sascha Flocken)

"Spider" he's calling himself, the boy, who only feels at home on the climbing frame. For he has no real home anymore since his mother "has to participate a sanction" because of shoplifting and his granny is loosing more and more her memory. But climbing – that's what he can do, where he's a master! Quick and agile he's climbing up and down and kills the time until Paul and Mina come to the playground after school. With them Spider is eager to make friends. The clumsy outsider Paul admires the fast climber and Mina, who is forced to ballet by her mother all the time, envies his freedom. For a while it seems the three of them can be friends with each other in their need. But the boy, who calls himself spider, is so angry and desperate inside that the climbing games finally escalate.

Nominated for the Berlin TYA Award 2013 (GRIPS Theatre)

Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 7
Uraufführung: 02.04.2016, Theater Konstanz (Regie: Sascha Flocken)
Preise und Auszeichnungen: Nominiert für den Berliner Kindertheaterpreis des Grips Theaters

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