von Salah Naoura
Für die Bühne bearbeitet von Sylvia Sobbotka
Salah Naoura: STAR
For age of 11+; WP: Theater an der Parkaue Berlin 14/04/2015 (directed by Sylvia Sobottka)
When Marko just before his 13th birthday accidentally bets on the right horse at the races and wins a heap of money, everybody believes he's got some kind of visionary powers. In the blink of an eye Marko becomes a star - journalists and photographers besiege him, TV stations want the rights for his story, a musical is quickly produced and his young single mother happily swims in the big money. Also in school Marko is in the centre of attention and even beautiful Elena wants to sit next to him. Eventually some men call him on the phone who pretend to be his father. Step by step Marko loses the ground beneath his feet, deeper and deeper he loses himself under lies and half truths and moreover he hurts his best friend Greg deeply. Marko recognises that he desperately needs help and goes into hiding.
"The author (...) tells strong images, atmospherically dense and with an intense dramaturgy. It is the special art of Naoura to make us laugh about his wit and at the same time to transport a message: show is a hard business that has its price" (Die Zeit)
Bearbeitung: Sylvia Sobottka
Besetzung: 1 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 11
Für junge Akteure ab: 14
Uraufführung: 14.04.2015, Theater an der Parkaue, Berlin, Regie: Sylvia Sobottka