Tote Pinguine schmecken nicht
Dead penguins don't taste good
3 w - 2 m; for age of 8+; WP: lutzhagen/ Hagen Theatre. 01/06/2014 (directed by Miriam Michel)
The dancing bears are far less flexible as in their younger years and for a jaunty little dance they sometimes help themselves with a few gulps from the bottle. Soon they take a few more - lifting the mood, lowering their inhibition threshold. The penguin siblings Ping and Pong only know too good that they're better off avoiding their parents now. And even the next morning they shouldn't be around cause often a hangover breakfast leads to shouting and kicking. Maybe the dancing bears had been nice penguins as well in former times - or at least nice bears. Ping and Pong can't really believe it anymore. And after their parents have simply left them outside the locked door in the cold night, because they have to sleep off their intoxication, the two have enough. They run away, take the next steamer and dream of a better life.
Children of drug addicted parents have to become adults far too soon. They live in tremendous uncertainty and often in constant fear - of possible physical violence, but also in the fear of losing their beloved hated parents. And they're ashamed. Martin Baltscheit approaches the topic carefully and with strong images. He creates distance through the disguise into animal characters - a distance that allows the audience to be even closer.
Besetzung: 3 Dame(n) , 2 Herr(en)
Alter: empfohlen ab 8
Uraufführung: 01.06.2014, lutzhagen / Theater Hagen, Regie: Miriam Michel