Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Bühnenverlag Weitendorf

Title details

Verwandte sind auch Menschen

von Erich Kästner / Eberhard Keindorff

Ein Lustspiel

Erich Kästner, Eberhard Keindorff
Relatives are also Human
A comedy

6f – 7m – 5 children

A very rich American sets out to take revenge on his relatives for the nasty things they did to him in his youth. He has his own death announced, and then disguises himself as a servant, so that when the will is opened he can observe and annoy the large collection of relatives, none of whom know him. Afterwards, he regrets the deceit, because it turns out that his relatives are not such a bad bunch; they all have their peculiarities and their money problems, but otherwise they too are only human.

Besetzung: 6 Dame(n) , 7 Herr(en) , 5 Kinder
Uraufführung: 24.2.1938, Volksbühne Berlin

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