At least since the dawn of postmodernism, we have been expected to fashion and project our own identity, though of course only as long as we do not stray too far from the norms imposed by society and disseminated by the media: be successful and popular, and in doing so, simply ‘be yourself’. But supposing you have no friends and are not "liked" by anyone? Supposing you do not want to (or cannot) pay any price in order to be good-looking and cool? And how far would you go in order to achieve the desired end?
These four short plays – Dschungelbus [Jungle Bus], Die Coolen [The Cool Ones], La-Bell-o and Enemy Book – highlight the problem of how young people can achieve a balance between reality and the models presented to them by the media. The author shows how and why such attempts may succeed or are bound to fail. The individual plays can stand on their own or can be linked together in a sequence. Although there are directions and characterizations, the characters are deliberately not endowed with any fixed identity.
These plays are also suitable for performance in youth clubs and theatre courses.
2 m + 3 f (with doubling), age 14+, awaiting first production